
Sponsorship of Tech Tips and Other Tricks (TTT) is available if you wish to reach a growing audience of Tech Pros, Sys Admins, Engineers, and Geeks.

TTT's site stats are growing monthly as more readers arrive looking for solutions to their problems or trying to gain a deeper insight into technology, new and old.

Over the years, we've had a love-hate relationship with ads, whether that's due to the interruption they can bring to the reader experience, the tracking that's often associated with them, or, more recently, the Malvertising risks they can bring.

Our approach is different from that of many other websites as sponsorship, to us, means:

  • no iframes

  • no scripts

  • no trackers

  • and no unknown third parties

    All advertising sponsorship is between TTT and a specific advertiser rather than a faceless/shady person offering a quick buck.

    This gives us the benefit of knowing who all of the interested parties are and also allows us to be selective in who we partner with to ensure that your product aligns with our view of the world.

We're here to offer advertisers a customized yet somewhat standardized solution. We will be as flexible as possible whilst still retaining the overall look and feel of the site.

Packages on Offer

You can provide us with text that can go into a Sponsored Post. We'll work with you to mold it into a standardized format whilst still retaining the core message you're looking to convey.

All Sponsored Posts are handled through the normal writing and editing process. This means that they're aligned to the same high standards as our regular articles.

Depending upon which package you opt for, you can remain online indefinitely.

Product reviews

Are you launching a new product? Would you like one of our team of experienced technical writers to review and provide an independent write-up?

Banners - Website or Email

A variety of packages are available to choose from, ranging to a typical column ad to a premium spot on our growing email list.


Advertising packages are sold on a weekly basis, scheduled in advance, although some last-minute slots do become available.

Pricing is POA and does change over time.

What are you waiting for? contact us today to discuss the options available to you. [email protected]